Thinking In .NET

Prepublication offer: Thinking in C# Release Candidate digital version for just $10!

This non-printable version of Thinking in C# contains 249 sample programs in almost 1,000 pages and is available for just $10. The print version lists for $49.99 and the digital version is almost identical (the index is not yet finalized in the digital version, although the Acrobat file is fully searchable). Complete source code is available for download. This is a limited time offer to test the viability of an eBook edition of Thinking in C#.

Source code for Thinking in C#

Free C# Compilers

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Thinking In .NET

A place to learn about C# and the .NET platform, by Larry O'Brien. But mostly the obligatory braindump cross-linking that characterizes the blogsphere.

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Monday, December 23, 2002

MS Must Ship Sun's Java
4:56:18 PM    comment []

Mmmm.... DirectX from C#...

1:14:28 PM    comment []

According to the Register, Microsoft is lining up to buy Macromedia. It's Flash they want. via [Scripting News]

Ah, now this makes sense. Not because of the anti-J2EE nonsense in the Register article, but 90% because of Flash and 10% because of Cold Fusion. The Price:Book ratio for Macromedia is only 2.10. Yep, I could see this happening.

11:34:06 AM    comment []

Joe Strummer, RIP. The one time I saw Joe Strummer in concert was when he was singing vocals for The Pogues. Oh man, that was a good concert. Well, I guess I know what's on the turntable today...

11:05:51 AM    comment []

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