Thinking In .NET

Prepublication offer: Thinking in C# Release Candidate digital version for just $10!

This non-printable version of Thinking in C# contains 249 sample programs in almost 1,000 pages and is available for just $10. The print version lists for $49.99 and the digital version is almost identical (the index is not yet finalized in the digital version, although the Acrobat file is fully searchable). Complete source code is available for download. This is a limited time offer to test the viability of an eBook edition of Thinking in C#.

Source code for Thinking in C#

Free C# Compilers

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Thinking In .NET

A place to learn about C# and the .NET platform, by Larry O'Brien. But mostly the obligatory braindump cross-linking that characterizes the blogsphere.

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Friday, December 06, 2002

Beautiful wind-walkers. "Theo Jansen has developed staggeringly beautiful machines that walk when powered by gusts of wind. Created to be 'art that evolves', he's now working on a way to store the energy to provide power when there is no wind. He likens this to muscles." Link  via [Boing Boing Blog]
4:02:53 PM    comment []

Excellent illustrated version of Beowulf  but, in keeping with this apology from the Washington State University's Daily Evergreen, I feel I should be clear up front that Grendel was not really a muppet:

"The Daily Evergreen would like to sincerely apologize for an injustice served to the Filipino-American, Spanish-speaking, and Catholic communities on the front page of Thursday's Evergreen.

The story 'Filipino-American History Recognized' stated that the Nuestra Senora de Buena Esperanza, the galleon on which the first Filipinos landed at Morro Bay, California, loosely translates to "The Big Ass Spanish Boat." It actually translates to 'Our Lady of Good Peace.'"

3:59:24 PM    comment []

IBM to buy Rational for $2.1B

Given IBM's Linux and Java strategy and Rational's Microsoft-centric strategy, this is shocking. According to the press release, Rational will become a separate division and brand (rather than be subsumed by Websphere). However, one must assume that future Rational efforts will concentrate far more on Websphere / Linux / Java than on Windows and .NET. Rational has enough mindshare in the Fortune 500 to have a serious effect on platform choice. There had been rumors about Rational being a takeover target, but I always thought it would be Microsoft to acquire them.

9:47:44 AM    comment []

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